Train classifier model, training & test set are provided to you. From this graph, one can pick a suitable threshold as per their requirements. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Confusion Matrix can be generated easily using confusion_matrix() function from sklearn library. Recall =TP/(TP+FN) Feature Selection. Discovering classifiers is a muti-step approach. Empirical evaluation of classifiers Hold-out Cross-validation Leaving one out and other techniques 3. 29 Comparing data mining algorithms Frequent situation: we want to know which one of two learning schemes performs better. Table of Contents. There is another classification metric that is a combination of both Recall & Precision. Quite computationally expensive! Recall can be generated easily using recall_score() function from sklearn library. In reality, there is no ideal recall or precision. Joins in Pandas: Master the Different Types of Joins in.. AUC-ROC Curve in Machine Learning Clearly Explained. Recall is also called True Positive Rate or sensitivity. ## dummy example
13 Theoretical approaches to evaluate classifiers So called COLT COmputational Learning Theory subfield of Machine Learning PAC model (Valiant) and statistical learning (Vapnik Chervonenkis Dimension VC) Asking questions about general laws that may govern learning concepts from examples Sample complexity Computational complexity Mistake bound. How to Implement Data Engineering in Practice? 4 Approaches to learn classifiers Decision Trees Rule Approaches Logical statements (ILP) Bayesian Classifiers Neural Networks Discriminant Analysis Support Vector Machines k-nearest neighbor classifiers Logistic regression Artificial Neural Networks Genetic Classifiers. of trading in Forex market. Better not to talk about it. Read more in T.Mitchell s book chapter 7. or P.Cichosz (Polish) coursebook Systemy uczce si. Training and Test Set, Cross-Validation. 16 Empirical evaluation The general paradigm Train and test Closed vs. open world assumption. . Here below is a dummy graph example. FAQs CS535 BIG DATA W6.B.3. sofware systems that classify documents from a domain D into a given, fixed set C =, Event driven trading new studies on innovative way of trading in Forex market Micha Osmoa INIME live 23 February 2016 Forex market From Wikipedia: The foreign exchange market (Forex, FX, or currency, Predictive Data modeling for health care: Comparative performance study of different prediction models Shivanand Hiremath National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) Vihar, ABSTRACT Paper SAS133-2014 Leveraging Ensemble Models in SAS Enterprise Miner Miguel Maldonado, Jared Dean, Wendy Czika, and Susan Haller SAS Institute Inc. Ensemble models combine two or more models to, Data Mining Classification: Decision Trees Classification Decision Trees: what they are and how they work Hunt s (TDIDT) algorithm How to select the best split How to handle Inconsistent data Continuous, Predicting borrowers chance of defaulting on credit loans Junjie Liang ( Abstract Credit score prediction is of great interests to banks as the outcome of the prediction algorithm, Financial Statement Fraud Detection: An Analysis of Statistical and Machine Learning Algorithms Johan Perols Assistant Professor University of San Diego, San Diego, CA 92110 April, Chapter 12 Discovering New Knowledge Data Mining Becerra-Fernandez, et al. As the topic suggests we are going to study Classification model evaluation. Train and test paradigm. As in the graph above, SGD & random forest models are compared. Machine Learning tasks are mainly divided into three types. Each row in the confusion matrix represents an actual class whereas each column represents a predicted class. There will be a long explanation on this topic in future lectures. Can one characterize the number of mistakes that an algorithm will make during learning? Supervised learning: classes are known for the examples used to build the classifier. Available Online at International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing A Monthly Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology ISSN 2320 088X IJCSMC, Vol. If the model predicts A as an A, then the case is called, If the model predicts A a Not A, then the case is called, If the model predicts Not A as an A, then the case is called, If the model predicts Not A as a Not A, then the case is called. Some of the topics will be, Comparison of machine learning methods for intelligent tutoring systems Wilhelmiina Hmlinen 1 and Mikko Vinni 1 Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, P.O. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Ariesen, Data Mining Methods: Applications for Institutional Research, Predict Influencers in the Social Network, Performance Analysis of Naive Bayes and J48 Classification Algorithm for Data Classification, On the effect of data set size on bias and variance in classification learning, Artificial Neural Network, Decision Tree and Statistical Techniques Applied for Designing and Developing E-mail Classifier, Chapter 7. 2, Issue. 31 Paired t-test The null hypothesis H0: the average performance of classifiers on the data D is = H1: usually Test statistics and the decision based on Remark: assumption the paired difference variable should be normally distributed! Credibility: Evaluating what s been learned Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques Slides for Chapter 5 of Data Mining by I. H. Witten, E. Frank and M. A. y_pred = ["ant", "ant", "cat", "cat", "ant", "cat"]
Supervised Learning In Supervised learning, the model is first trained using a Training set(it contains input-expected output pairs). It is a graph of True Positive Rate (TPR) vs False Positive Rate(FPR). y_true = ["cat", "ant", "cat", "cat", "ant", "bird"]
Empirical approaches use independent test examples. Mehryar Mohri Courant Institute and Google Research, Azure Machine Learning, SQL Data Mining and R, Cross Validation. Given a set of pre-classified examples, discover the classification knowledge representation, to be used either as a classifier to classify new cases (a predictive perspective) or to describe classification situations in data (a descriptive perspective). 12 Other measures for performance evaluation Classifiers: Misclassification cost Lift Brier score, information score, margin class probabilities Sensitivity and specificity measures (binary problems), ROC curve AUC analysis. 32 An example of paired t-test = 0,05 One classifier (Single MODLEM) versus other bagging schema - J.Stefanowski, 33 Other sampling techniques for classifiers There are other approaches to learn classifiers: Incremental learning Batch learning Windowing Active learning Some of them evaluate classification abilities in stepwise way: Various forms of learning curves, 34 An example of a learning curve Used nave Bayes model for text classification in a Bayesian learning setting (20 Newsgroups dataset) - [McCallum & Nigam, 1998], 35 Summary What is the classification task? As some of you may have already noticed, the Accuracy metric does not represent any information about False Positive, False Negative, etc. 19 Step 1: Split data into train and test sets Historical data Results Known Training set Data + Testing set, 20 Step 2: Build a model on a training set THE PAST Results Known Training set Data + Model Builder Testing set, 21 Step 3: Evaluate on test set Results Known Training set Data + Testing set Model Builder Y N Evaluate Predictions. Supervised learning task mainly consists of Regression & Classification. Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in Microsoft Office Excel with XLMiner. L. A. Alberto, Andr M. Portela, W. Maduro, Esdras O. Eler PDITec, Belo Horizonte, Getting Even More Out of Ensemble Selection Quan Sun Department of Computer Science The University of Waikato Hamilton, New Zealand ABSTRACT Ensemble Selection uses forward stepwise, Maschinelles Lernen mit MATLAB Jrmy Huard Applikationsingenieur The MathWorks GmbH 2015 The MathWorks, Inc. 1 Machine Learning is Everywhere Image Recognition Speech Recognition Stock Prediction Medical, E-commerce Transaction Anomaly Classification Minyong Lee Seunghee Ham Qiyi Jiang I. How could we estimate with the smallest error? Evaluation criteria preliminaries. All examples available or incremental / active approaches? Error on the training data is not a good indicator of performance on future data Q: Why? by: BVijayalakshmiGalleys0000875816 Date:6/11/08 Time:19:52:53 Stage:First Proof C PAYAM REFAEILZADEH, LEI TANG, HUAN LIU Arizona State University Synonyms Rotation estimation Definition is a statistical, Lecture 3: Validation g Motivation g The Holdout g Re-sampling techniques g Three-way data splits Motivation g Validation techniques are motivated by two fundamental problems in pattern recognition: model, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Unit # 6 Sajjad Haider Fall 2014 1 Evaluating the Accuracy of a Classifier Holdout, random subsampling, crossvalidation, and the bootstrap are common techniques for, Machine Learning Chapter 18, 21 Some material adopted from notes by Chuck Dyer What is learning? We can play with the classification model threshold to adjust recall or precision. CS 2750 Machine Learning. 1) Correct Target labels Precision and recall, F-measure. We will come back to it latter during the lecture on pruning structures of classifiers. STATISTICA Formula Guide: Logistic Regression. Extensive experiments have shown that this is the best choice to get an accurate estimate (since CART book by Breiman, Friedman, Stone, Olsen 1994) However, other splits e.g. The function takes 2 required parameters 26 More on 10 fold cross-validation Standard method for evaluation: stratified ten-fold crossvalidation Why ten? KTI, TU Graz 2015-03-05, Data quality in Accounting Information Systems, Summary Data Mining & Process Mining (1BM46) Content. Test and Validation Set. Other combination techniques like voting, bagging etc are also described, Overview Evaluation Connectionist and Statistical Language Processing Frank Keller Computerlinguistik Universitt des Saarlandes training set, validation set, test set holdout, stratification, Supervised Learning (Big Data Analytics) Vibhav Gogate Department of Computer Science The University of Texas at Dallas Practical advice Goal of Big Data Analytics Uncover patterns in Data. Prediction 5.1 Spring 2010 Instructor: Dr. Masoud Yaghini Outline Classification vs. Numeric Prediction Prediction Process Data Preparation Comparing Prediction Methods References Classification, Comparing the Results of Support Vector Machines with Traditional Data Mining Algorithms Scott Pion and Lutz Hamel Abstract This paper presents the results of a series of analyses performed on direct mail, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Lecture 19 - Bagging Tom Kelsey School of Computer Science University of St Andrews Tom Kelsey ID5059-19-B &, http://wwwcscolostateedu/~cs535 W6B W6B2 CS535 BIG DAA FAQs Please prepare for the last minute rush Store your output files safely Partial score will be given for the output from less than 50GB input Computer, Experiments in Web Page Classification for Semantic Web Asad Satti, Nick Cercone, Vlado Keelj Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University E-mail: {rashid,nick,vlado} Abstract We address. Related Fields and Disciplines. This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon. Any good classifier should be as far as possible from the straight line passing through (0,0) & (1,1). More advances issues (e.g.
So the precision will be 1/(1+0)=1. Example: Credit card default, we may be more interested in predicting the probabilty of a default than classifying individuals as default or not. Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in Microsoft Office Excel with XLMiner. The rule of a supervisor? This trained model can be later used to predict output for any unknown input. If the training set does not fit into main memory, swapping makes C4.5 unpractical! It all depends on what kind of classification task is it. of Computer Engineering 2009 compiled by V. Atalay What do you think of when someone says Data? 2nd, Bootstrapping Big Data Ariel Kleiner Ameet Talwalkar Purnamrita Sarkar Michael I. Jordan Computer Science Division University of California, Berkeley {akleiner, ameet, psarkar, jordan}, Towards better accuracy for Spam predictions Chengyan Zhao Department of Computer Science University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2E4 Abstract Spam identification is crucial, Lecture Machine Learning Milos Hauskrecht 539 Sennott Square, x5 Administration Instructor: Milos Hauskrecht 539 Sennott, : Table of Contents 1 Overview of Model 1 Dispersion 2 Parameterization 3 Sigma-Restricted Model 3 Overparameterized Model 4 Reference Coding 4 Model Summary (Summary Tab) 5 Summary, L25: Ensemble learning Introduction Methods for constructing ensembles Combination strategies Stacked generalization Mixtures of experts Bagging Boosting CSCE 666 Pattern Analysis Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna, To make this website work, we log user data and share it with processors. What is the number of examples necessary or sufficient to assure successful learning? 18 Evaluation on LARGE data, hold-out A simple evaluation is sufficient Randomly split data into training and test sets (usually 2/3 for train, 1/3 for test) Build a classifier using the train set and evaluate it using the test set. The function takes 2 required parameters 23 Repeated holdout method, 2 Still not optimum: the different test sets usually overlap (difficulties from statistical point of view). 3 Classification problem another way General task: assigning a decision class label to a set of unclassified objects described by a fixed set of attributes (features). Regression algorithms Mean squared error Mean absolute error and other coefficient More will be presented during next lectures Do not hesitate to ask any questions or read books! The above table is self-explanatory. Data, Measurements, Features Middle East Technical University Dep. Term 2012/2013 LSI - FIB. Best of all: Cross Validation Dr. Thomas Jensen About Me PhD from ETH Used to be a statistician at Link, now Senior Business Analyst at Expedia Manage a database with 720,000 Hotels that are not on contract, Machine Learning Javier Bjar cbea LSI - FIB Term 2012/2013 Javier Bjar cbea (LSI - FIB) Machine Learning Term 2012/2013 1 / 34 Outline 1 Introduction to Inductive learning 2 Search and inductive learning, Chronological Sampling for Email Filtering Ching-Lung Fu 2, Daniel Silver 1, and James Blustein 2 1 Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada 2 Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Practical Data Science with Azure Machine Learning, SQL Data Mining, and R Overview This 4-day class is the first of the two data science courses taught by Rafal Lukawiecki. Lecture 1. Another way to represent the Precision/Recall trade-off is to plot precision against recall directly. As you can see as the threshold increases precision increases but at the cost of recall. Chapter 18, 21. Evaluation Connectionist and Statistical Language Processing. It is the harmonic mean of recall & precision. -- Knowledge Management 1/e -- 2004 Prentice Hall Additional material 2007 Dekai Wu Chapter Objectives Introduce the student to, RESEARCH Open Access On the application of multi-class classification in physical therapy recommendation Jing Zhang 1,PengCao 1,DouglasPGross 2 and Osmar R Zaiane 1* Abstract Recommending optimal rehabilitation, Neural and Evolutionary Computing. Can we prevent overlapping? 15 Experimental evaluation of classifiers How predictive is the model we learned? DATA MINING TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS Mrs. Bharati M. Ramageri, Lecturer Modern Institute of Information Technology and Research, Department of Computer Application, Yamunanagar, Nigdi Pune, Maharashtra, On the effect of data set size on bias and variance in classification learning Abstract Damien Brain Geoffrey I Webb School of Computing and Mathematics Deakin University Geelong Vic 3217 With the advent, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-1, Issue-6, January 2013 Artificial Neural Network, Decision Tree and Statistical Techniques Applied for Designing, Chapter 7 Feature Selection Feature selection is not used in the system classification experiments, which will be discussed in Chapter 8 and 9. Javier Bjar cbea (LSI - FIB) Machine Learning Term 2012/2013 1 / 34. Also the standard deviation is essential for comparing learning algorithms. DATA SETS. A confusion matrix is a n x n matrix (where n is the number of labels) used to describe the performance of a classification model. 5 cv are also popular. 1. Cejuela Department of Computer Science Technische Universitt Mnchen. Azure Machine Learning, SQL Data Mining and R Day-by-day Agenda Prerequisites No formal prerequisites. Another easy way of remembering this is by referring to the below diagram. Learning is a very general term denoting the way in which agents: Acquire and organize knowledge (by building, modifying and organizing internal representations of some external reality); Logistic Regression for Spam Filtering Nikhila Arkalgud February 14, 28 Abstract The goal of the spam filtering problem is to identify an email as a spam or not spam. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We will take a tiny section of the confusion matrix above for a better understanding. Learning denotes changes in a system that enable a system to do the same task more efficiently the next, Ensemble learning Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques Slides for Chapter 8 of Data Mining by I. H. Witten, E. Frank and M. A. Hold-out vs. cross validation. Repeated 10 fold stratified cross validation. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The first evaluation metric anyone would use is the Accuracy metric. Variance can be reduced using repeated CV. In the above graph, you can observe that the Random Forest model is working better compared to SGD. 11 Confusion matrix and cost sensitive analysis Predicted Original classes K 1 K 2 K 3 K K K C( ) = r r = = i j 1 1 n ij c ij Costs assigned to different types of errors. However, we still don t know whether the results are reliable.
Is it always probably approximate correct? ML4Bio 2012 February 17 th, 2012 Quaid Morris, Comparison of Data Mining Techniques used for Financial Data Analysis, III. Some material adopted from notes by Chuck Dyer, Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques, Mining Direct Marketing Data by Ensembles of Weak Learners and Rough Set Methods, Performance Metrics for Graph Mining Tasks, Feature vs. Classifier Fusion for Predictive Data Mining a Case Study in Pesticide Classification, On Cross-Validation and Stacking: Building seemingly predictive models on random data, Comparing the Results of Support Vector Machines with Traditional Data Mining Algorithms, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Even better: repeated stratified cross-validation E.g. The function takes 2 required parameters Other schemes for classifiers. Before answering this, lets talk more about classification. Ariesen Content Data Mining part 2 Lecture 1 2 Lecture 2: 4 Lecture 3 7 Lecture 4 9 Process mining part 13 Lecture 5 13, Chapter 12 Bagging and Random Forests Xiaogang Su Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science University of Central Florida - 1 - Outline A brief introduction to the bootstrap Bagging: basic concepts, The Artificial Prediction Market Adrian Barbu Department of Statistics Florida State University Joint work with Nathan Lay, Siemens Corporate Research 1 Overview Main Contributions A mathematical theory, Model Combination 24 Novembre 2009 Datamining 1 2009-2010 Plan 1 Principles of model combination 2 Resampling methods Bagging Random Forests Boosting 3 Hybrid methods Stacking Generic algorithm for mulistrategy, Data Mining Methods: Applications for Institutional Research Nora Galambos, PhD Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Effectiveness Stony Brook University NEAIR Annual Conference Philadelphia 2014, Statistical Machine Learning UoC Stats 37700, Winter quarter Lecture 4: classical linear and quadratic discriminants. Dejan Sarka. We can plot precision & recall vs threshold to get information about how their value changes according to the threshold. Practical Data Science with Azure Machine Learning, SQL Data Mining, and R, Comparison of machine learning methods for intelligent tutoring systems, Data Mining Techniques for Prognosis in Pancreatic Cancer, A Study Of Bagging And Boosting Approaches To Develop Meta-Classifier, Gerry Hobbs, Department of Statistics, West Virginia University, Data Mining Algorithms Part 1. Simple classification zero-one loss function 0 L( y, y) = 1 if y = if y f f ( y) ( y), 9 Evaluating classifiers more practical Predictive (classification) accuracy (0-1 loss function) Use testing examples, which do not belong to the learning set N t number of testing examples N c number of correctly classified testing examples Classification accuracy: (Misclassification) Error: = Other options: analysis of confusion matrix N c t = N t N t c. 10 A confusion matrix Predicted Original classes K 1 K 2 K 3 K K K Various measures could be defined basing on values in a confusion matrix. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 4. Predicting the contract type for IT/ITES outsourcing contracts, Local classification and local likelihoods, T-61.3050 : Email Classification as Spam or Ham using Naive Bayes Classifier. But wait a minute . FPR is the ratio of Negative classes inaccurately being classified as positive. 17 Experimental estimation of classification accuracy Random partition into train and test parts: Hold-out use two independent data sets, e.g., training set (2/3), test set(1/3); random sampling repeated hold-out k-fold cross-validation randomly divide the data set into k subsamples use k-1 subsamples as training data and one sub-sample as test data --- repeat k times Leave-one-out for small size data. Can be used, Comp. 2) Predicted Target labels. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Santosh Tirunagari : 245577, Cross-validation for detecting and preventing overfitting, Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Python Tutorial: Working with CSV file for Data Science. This can help you to pick a sweet spot for your model. Machine Learning. But just for the sake of some revision lets briefly discuss it. Learning is a very general term denoting the way in which agents: We discuss 2 resampling methods in this chapter - cross-validation - the bootstrap, Universit de Montpellier 2 Hugo Alatrista-Salas :, An Introduction to Data Mining. 22 Remarks on hold-out It is important that the test data is not used in any way to create the classifier! . Whereas in the case of an abusive word detector, youll prefer having high precision but low recall. ROC curve is mainly used to evaluate and compare multiple learning models. MACHINE LEARNING IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS LECTURE #1 Alex Rogozhnikov, 2015 INTRO NOTES 4 days two lectures, two practice seminars every day this is introductory track to machine learning kaggle competition! 2) Predicted Target labels. INTRODUCTION Due to the increasing popularity of e-commerce, BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Volume 13, No 1 Sofia 2013 Print ISSN: 1311-9702; Online ISSN: 1314-4081 DOI: 10.2478/cait-2013-0006 Predicting Student Performance, Text Categorization Text categorization (TC - aka text classification) is the task of buiding text classifiers, i.e. It is called the F1 score. One of the classic techniques used, Statistical Learning: Chapter 5 Resampling methods (Cross-validation and bootstrap) (Note: prior to these notes, we'll discuss a modification of an earlier train/test experiment from Ch 2) We discuss 2, Universit de Montpellier 2 Hugo Alatrista-Salas : WEKA Gallirallus Zeland) australis : Endemic bird (New Characteristics Waikato university Weka is a collection, Machine Learning using MapReduce What is Machine Learning Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence concerned with techniques that allow computers to improve their outputs based on previous, D-optimal plans in observational studies Constanze Pumpln Stefan Rping Katharina Morik Claus Weihs October 11, 2005 Abstract This paper investigates the use of Design of Experiments in observational, An Introduction to Data Mining for Wind Power Management Spring 2015 Big Data World Every minute: Google receives over 4 million search queries Facebook users share almost 2.5 million pieces of content, Data Clustering Dec 2nd, 2013 Kyrylo Bessonov Talk outline Introduction to clustering Types of clustering Supervised Unsupervised Similarity measures Main clustering algorithms k-means Hierarchical Main, Ensemble Methods Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2 (VU) (707004) Roman Kern KTI, TU Graz 2015-03-05 Roman Kern (KTI, TU Graz) Ensemble Methods 2015-03-05 1 / 38 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Classification, Data quality in Accounting Information Systems Comparing Several Data Mining Techniques Erjon Zoto Department of Statistics and Applied Informatics Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana Tirana, Albania, Summary Data Mining & Process Mining (1BM46) Made by S.P.T.
Mining the Software Change Repository of a Legacy Telephony System Jelber Sayyad Shirabad, Timothy C. Lethbridge, Stan Matwin School of Information Technology and Engineering University of Ottawa, Ottawa, THE HYBID CAT-LOGIT MODEL IN CLASSIFICATION AND DATA MINING Introduction Dan Steinberg and N. Scott Cardell Most data-mining projects involve classification problems assigning objects to classes whether, Performance Measures in Data Mining Common Performance Measures used in Data Mining and Machine Learning Approaches L. Richter J.M. Costs are unequal Many applications: loans, medical diagnosis, fault detections, spam Cost estimates may be difficult to be acquired from real experts. 2/12/2015, Ensemble Methods. The function takes 2 required parameters >>> array([[2, 0, 0],
Dependency Parsing in Natural Language Processing with Examples, We use cookies on Analytics Vidhya websites to deliver our services, analyze web traffic, and improve your experience on the site. 2 Outline 1. 1) Correct Target labels Micha Osmoa INIME live 23 February 2016, Predictive Data modeling for health care: Comparative performance study of different prediction models, Leveraging Ensemble Models in SAS Enterprise Miner, Data Mining Classification: Decision Trees, Predicting borrowers chance of defaulting on credit loans, Financial Statement Fraud Detection: An Analysis of Statistical and Machine Learning Algorithms, Chapter 12 Discovering New Knowledge Data Mining, On the application of multi-class classification in physical therapy recommendation, Decision Trees from large Databases: SLIQ, Class #6: Non-linear classification. FRAUD DETECTION IN ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS USING AN ANN-BASED KNOWLEDGE-DISCOVERY PROCESS Breno C. Costa, Bruno. The probability that the algorithm will output a successful hypothesis.
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